Take your experience home by ordering official Seven Magic Mountains prints by Gianfranco Gorgoni. The Producers continue to work on an extension plan that would enable Seven Magic Mountains to remain on view for several years into the future. En scannant tes cartes Colour Magic, tu peux dverrouiller de nouvelles couleurs. Due to the incredible success of Seven Magic Mountains since its opening, artist Ugo Rondinone has expressed a strong desire to explore ways to keep the artwork on view at its current site. Download Colour Magic and enjoy it on your iPhone, iPad and iPod touch.

The exhibition opened May 11, 2016, and was originally scheduled to be on view for two years. Seven Magic Mountains was produced by the Nevada Museum of Art and Art Production Fund. A piece of software preinstalled on majority of UK education computers. A creative expression of human presence in the desert, Seven Magic Mountains punctuates the Mojave with a poetic burst of form and color. Comprised of seven towers of colorful, stacked boulders standing more than thirty feet high, Seven Magic Mountains is situated within the Ivanpah Valley adjacent to Sheep Mountain and the McCullough, Bird Spring, and Goodsprings ranges of mountains. Internationally renowned Swiss artist Ugo Rondinone’s Seven Magic Mountains is a large-scale site-specific public art installation located near Jean Dry Lake and Interstate 15, approximately ten miles south of Las Vegas, Nevada. The barriers that had been in place around the artwork have been removed, and once again the public is welcome to visit the work and to take as many pictures as they wish, but to leave no trace behind.

In an effort to keep the site clean and safe, many guests have offered to make a donation. Recently, Seven Magic Mountains experienced higher-than-normal visitor volume.